Congrès Rorschach Paris

Rorschach Congress Paris

XXIInd International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods

Congress enabling international researchers, practitioners, teachers and students to share their questions and discoveries.

Research within the framework of clinical normality in its contemporary expressions, and within the mul-tiple fields of psycho pathology in extremely varied terrains, makes it possible to highlight, support and value the contribution of projective tests, in order to illustrate their relevance, validity and dependability in quantitative and qualitative studies. Respectful of the diversity of interpretative approaches established specifically within projective methods, we intend to organize this International Congress as a forum ena-bling encounters, exchange and debate on the diverse orientations proposed by our scientific community (Phenomenological, Psycho dynamic, Comprehensive System, R-PAS, etc.).

Lecturers and discussants

Dr. Odile HUSAIN (Canada), Dr. Emiliano MUZIO (Finland), Pr. Françoise NEAU (France), Pr. Latife YAZIGI & Anna-Elisa VILLEMOR AMARAL (Brasil), Pr Barton EVANS (USA)

Case study roundtable

Pr. Catherine AZOULAY (France), Dr. Justine McCARTHY WOODS (UK), Pr. Greg MEYER (USA), Pr. Noriko NAKAMURA (Japan), Pr Anne ANDRONIKOF (France)

Contacts & Informations


17 - 21 Juil 2017


All Day

Heure Locale

  • Fuseau Horaire : America/New_York
  • Date : 17 - 21 Juil 2017
  • Heure : All Day

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